Friday, 2 September 2016

Stack Questions set

Data Structures 15CS33 

1.     Define stack and List and implement basic operations in stack using C (push, pop, isempty, isfull). Implement reversing a string using stack (array implementation) in C.
(December 2007)
(June 2009)
(June 2010)
(December 2010)
(December 2010)
(December 2011)
(December 2012)
(December 2013)
(December 2014)
(December 2015)
(12 marks)

2.      Write a C program to implement multiple stacks using single array
(December 2007)
(12 marks)

3.      Write short notes on Applications of stacks
(December 2007)
(5 marks)

4.      Write an algorithm to evaluate postfix expression. Trace the same algorithm with stack contents for the following expression A B C + * C B A - + *    with A=1, B=2, C=3.
(June 2009)
(December 2009)
(10 marks)

5.      Convert each of the following expression to its postfix and prefix forms
a)      ( A + B ) * C – D $ E * F
b)     A - B / C * D $ E
c)      ( A + B ) * ( C + D – E ) * F
d)     ( ( ( A + ( B - C ) * D ) ^ E ) + F )
e)      ( a + b ) * d + e / ( f + a * d ) + c
f)       ( ( a / ( b - c + d ) ) * ( e - a ) * c )
g)      a / b – c + d * e – a * c
(June 2009)
(December 2012)
(December 2013)
(12 marks)

6.      What is stack? Indicate how stack is represented in C.
(December 2009)
(5 marks)

7.      Show using the tabular column how the expression (a+b)*c is converted to a postfix expression according to the infix to postfix coversion algorithm
(June 2010)
(5 marks)

8.  Write the algorithm to evaluate a valid postfix expression and hence evaluate the postfix expression.
      6 2 3 + - 3 8 2 / + *
      1 2 3 + * 3 2 1 - +  *
       A B + C D E - * /                   for A=5 B=6 C=4 D=3 E=7
       6 2 3 + 3 8 2 / + * 2 $ 3 +

All the operands are single digit positive integers and operators are binary in nature.

(June 2010)
(December 2010)
(December 2011)
(June 2013)
(June 2015)
(December 2015)
(10 marks)

9.      Write a algorithm and function to convert a valid infix expression to postfix expression. Demonstrate the same function with example.(using stack)
a)      ( a * b ) + c / d
b)     ( ( ( a / b ) – c ) + ( d * e ) ) - (a * c)
c)      a * ( b + c ) * d
d)     A $ B * C – D + E / F / ( G + H )
e)      A – B / ( C * D $ E )

(June 2011)
(June 2012)
(June 2014)
(December 2015)
(12 marks)

10.  Write a C program to implement a two primitive operations on stack using dynamic memory allocation.
(June 2012)
(8 marks)

11.  What is system stack? How the control is transferred to or from the function with the help of activation records.
(December 2012)
(6 marks)

12.  Convert the infix expression to postfix expression and evaluate the same.
a / b – c + d * e – a * c   for a=6 b=3 c=1 d=2 e=4
 (June 2013)
(6 marks)

13.  How multiple stacks implemented using one dimensional array? Explain with suitable example.
(June 2014)
(4 marks)

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