Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Data Structure Assignment 1

Data Structure Assignment 1

Last Date of submission: Tuesday 6th September 2016

1.      Write a C program to read 10 integers and store them in an array using pointers. Print their sum and average.                                                                                                         
       (June 2010)(5 marks)

2.      Write a C function to swap two numbers using a pointers.                      
       (June 2012)(5 marks)

3.      Write a function that accepts a string and returns 1 is the string is palindrome else 0 if string is not a palindrome without using any built in functions.                                            
       (June 2009)(6 marks)

4.    For a given sparse matrix and its transpose, give the triplet representation using one dimensional array, a is the given sparse matrix, b will be its transpose.
Write the fast transpose algorithm for sparse matrix.
 (December 2011)(Dec 2013) (December 2015) (June 2015) (8 marks)


5.  Consider two polynomials A(x) = 2x100 +  1 and B(x) = x4 + 10x3 + 3x2 + 1, show diagrammatically , how these two polynomials can be stored in single 1D array. Also give its C representation.
(December 2011) (June 2015) (12 marks)

6.   Develop a structure to represent a planets in the solar system. Each planet has the field for the planets name, its distance from the sun in miles and the number of moon it has. Write a program to read the data for each planet and store. Also print the name of the planet that has the highest number of moons.
       (December 2011)(December 2013)(8 marks)

7.   Write a C program with an appropriate structure definition and variable declaration to store information about an employee using nested structure. Consider the following fields like Ename, Empid, DOJ(Date, month, year) and Salary ( Basic, DA, HRA).
      (June 2012) (December 2014) (12 marks)

8.      Write a recursive function to implement a binary search.
(December 2011) (December 2015)(08 marks)

9.      Convert the infix expression to postfix expression and evaluate the same.
       a / b – c + d * e – a * c   for a=6 b=3 c=1 d=2 e=4                                                                          (June 2013) (6 marks)

10.  For a given circular queue shown in Fig below write the values of front and rear in the table after each specified operation is performed. Queue full/empty conditions must be considered. 0-7 indicates the array indices.                                                                                           
     (December 2011)(4 marks)

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