Thursday 17 November 2016

Evaluation of Binary Expression Tree

Evaluation of Expression Tree


struct node
            char data;
            struct node *lchild;
            struct node *rchild;

typedef struct node * NODE;

NODE getnode()
    NODE x;
    x = (NODE)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
    x->lchild =NULL;
    x->rchild = NULL;
    return x;

NODE create_tree(char postfix[])
            NODE temp, s[70];
            char symb;
            int i, top = -1;
            for(i=0; postfix[i] != '\0' ; i++)
                        symb = postfix[i] ;
                        temp = getnode();
                        temp->data = symb;
                                                s[++top] = temp;    //push operand to the stack
                                                temp->rchild = s[top--];    //pop second operand from stack and make it rchild
                                                temp->lchild = s[top--];    // pop first operand from stack and make it lchild
                                                s[++top] = temp;            //push operator node to stack
            return s[top--];        //return the root of expression tree

float evaluate(NODE root)
            float num;
                        case '+': return evaluate(root->lchild)+evaluate(root->rchild);
                        case '-': return evaluate(root->lchild)-evaluate(root->rchild);
                        case '*': return evaluate(root->lchild)*evaluate(root->rchild);
                        case '/': return evaluate(root->lchild)/evaluate(root->rchild);
                        case '^':
                        case '$': return  pow(evaluate(root->lchild),evaluate(root->rchild));
                        default: if(isalpha(root->data))
                                                printf("\n%c = ", root->data);
                                                scanf("%f", &num);
                                                return num;
                                                return root->data  - '0';

void main()
            char postfix[60];
            float res;
            NODE root = NULL;
            printf("\nEnter the postfix expression: ");
            scanf("%s", postfix);

            root = create_tree(postfix);
            res = evaluate(root);
            printf("\nResult of expression is = %f", res);

Case 1:
Enter the postfix expression: 632-5*+1^7+
Result of expression is = 18.000000

Case 2:
Enter the postfix expression: abc-d*+e^f+
e = 1
a = 6
b = 3
c = 2
d = 5
f = 7
Result of expression is = 18.000000