Polynomial Addition using Circular Header Linked List
struct node
int coeff;
int expon;
struct node *link;
typedef struct node *NODE;
NODE getnode()
x = (NODE) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
return x;
NODE attach(int coeff, int expon, NODE head)
NODE temp, cur;
temp = getnode();
temp->coeff = coeff;
temp->expon = expon;
cur = head->link;
while(cur->link != head)
cur = cur->link;
cur->link = temp;
temp->link = head;
return head;
NODE read_poly(NODE head)
int i = 1, coeff, expon;
printf("\nEnter the coefficient as -999 to end the polynomial ");
printf("\nEnter the %d term:\n",i++);
printf("\n\tCoeff = ");
scanf("%d", &coeff);
if(coeff == -999)
printf("\n\tPow x = ");
scanf("%d", &expon);
head = attach(coeff, expon, head);
return head;
NODE poly_add(NODE head1, NODE head2, NODE head3)
NODE a,b;
int coeff;
a = head1->link;
b = head2->link;
while(a != head1 && b != head2)
if(a->expon == b->expon)
coeff = a->coeff + b->coeff;
if(coeff != 0)
head3 = attach(coeff, a->expon, head3);
a = a->link;
b = b->link;
else if(a->expon > b->expon)
head3 = attach(a->coeff, a->expon, head3);
a = a->link;
head3 = attach(b->coeff, b->expon, head3);
b = b->link;
while(a != head1)
head3 = attach(a->coeff, a->expon, head3);
a = a->link;
while(b != head2)
head3 = attach(b->coeff, b->expon, head3);
b = b->link;
return head3;
void display(NODE head)
NODE temp;
if(head->link == head)
printf("\nPolynomial does not exist");
temp = head->link;
while(temp != head)
printf("%dx^%d",temp->coeff, temp->expon);
temp = temp->link;
if(temp != head)
printf(" + ");
void main()
NODE head1, head2, head3;
head1 = getnode();
head2 = getnode();
head3 = getnode();
printf("\nEnter the first polynomial \n");
head1 = read_poly(head1);
printf("\nEnter the second polynomial \n");
head2 = read_poly(head2);
head3 = poly_add(head1, head2, head3);
printf("\nPolynomial 1:\t");
printf("\nPolynomial 2:\t");
printf("\nPolynomial Result:\t");
Enter the first polynomial
Enter the coefficient as -999 to end the polynomial
Enter the 1 term:
Coeff = 1
Pow x = 3
Enter the 2 term:
Coeff = 1
Pow x = 2
Enter the 3 term:
Coeff = 1
Pow x = 1
Enter the 4 term:
Coeff = 1
Pow x = 0
Enter the 5 term:
Coeff = -999
Enter the second polynomial
Enter the coefficient as -999 to end the polynomial
Enter the 1 term:
Coeff = 7
Pow x = 2
Enter the 2 term:
Coeff = 5
Pow x = 1
Enter the 4 term:
Coeff = -999
Polynomial 1: 1x^3 + 1x^2 + 1x^1 + 1x^0
Polynomial 2: 7x^2 + 5x^1
Polynomial Result: 1x^3 + 8x^2 + 6x^1 + 1x^0