Friday, 2 September 2016

Queue Question Set


Data Structures 15CS33 

1.      What is a linear queue? What are the applications of linear queue? Implement/Write a C program to simulate the 1) insert 2) delete  3)display operations.
(December 2007)
(8 marks)

2.      What is circular queue? What ate the advantages of Circular queue over simple queue.
Write implementation for circular queue using array. Also write following routine of circular queue. 1)      insert 2) delete 3) display

(June 2009)
(December 2010)
(June 2011)
(December 2013)
(December 2015)
(10 marks)

3.      Explain priority queue.
(December 2009)
(6 marks)

4.      Explain the working of simple queue
(June 2010)
(5 marks)

5.      For a given circular queue shown in Fig below write the values of front and rear in the table after each specified operation is performed. Queue full/empty conditions must be considered. 0-7 indicates the array indices.
(December 2011)(4 marks)

6.      Explain how would you implement a circular queue using dynamically allocated arrays.
(June 2013)